The steel is 5160, triple normalized, triple hardened, and triple tempered. The integral socket handle is wrapped in olive drab paracord with coyote brown two-strand Turk's head knots, impregnated with Minwax Wood Hardener. The blade length is 14 1/2" and the overall length is 20 7/8". It shaves hair of course. :)
The customer wanted a lanyard, somthing I've never added to a bush sword before. With the integral socket handle, it was fairly simple to do, though. I tied a length of paracord in the center around the choil, ran the ends through the hollow of the handle and out the back, then tied it off.
I really like this design. I think I'll do something else with it. :D
Nice size/length knife. Bet the new owner will really like the handle, too. Bill.....